Friday, June 28, 2013

Lesson Plan- Use integers in real life situations

Teacher: Ms. Jona McGowen
Date:June 28, 2013
Subject  / grade level: Math/ 6th
White boards, white board markers, giant posted paper, construction paper, computer, markers, and tape
The students will be able to use integers to represent real life situations.

Students should be able to give and explain how integers are used in real life.

Key Points:
  1. What integers are
  2. What integers are not
  3. Real life situations using integers

The teacher will write the word integer on the board and ask the students to give a word or phrase that comes to mind when they think about, see, or hear the word “integer.” The teacher will write the responses on the board.

The teacher will play music and allow the students to guess the artist. As they guess, we will place that artiest picture on the board. After we have done all five(5), the students will break into groups of three to four(3-4). Each group will receive two(2) dry erase boards. The students will need to write “2010” on the top of one and number it one-five (1-5). Then, the students will label the other board “2012” and number that one from one to five. The students will put the rappers in order from best to worst, best being number one, on each board. After they are done, they will have to find out what integer represent each rapper. Each student will share their rankings with the class.

The teacher will give the students the book definition of an integer while referring back to the engage piece. The teacher will take the actual rankings, taken from BET, and together as a class we will find out what integer represent each rapper. The teacher will ask the students questions to make sure they understand.

The students will get a worksheet and do it at their desk individually. After everyone is finished, we will discuss the worksheet as a class. The teacher will then introduce the number line.

Each student will have to give an example of integers being used in real life situations and explain it.

Friday, June 21, 2013

My Professional Goals

I am currently aspiring to be an elementary educator. I specifically want to work with 2nd grade. I feel as though this is the grade where I could impact the most. The students at this age need assistance, but are willing to be independent learners and explore things on their own. They have that fire for learning, just as I will have as their teacher.  My goal as a teacher is to live out my passion for student growth. To show my students that they have a teacher who wants them to succeed just as bad as they do. To understand "Hey, Im struggling in this area, who is going to help me understand this concept? Im frustrated and its like im being ignored." The fire I have for student achievement is the foundation for my students success. I plan to have the parents and caregivers actively engaged with their childs learning and also learn strategies to contribute to their learning styles and needs while at home. 

-Jona McGowen

Do you believe in me?