Tuesday, August 13, 2013

WIKI Spaces Experiences

                                                        WIKI  PAGES EXPERIENCE

This week assignment was designated to creating my own lesson plans geared towards my content areas. The grade levels I will be focused on are Kindergarten through sixth grade student. I will be specifically working on content areas of Math, Science, Social Studies, English Language Arts and Reading ( ELAR) and Health within Ec-6th grade levels.

              Using Integers in real life situations
Dealing in urban school districts  hip hop is a big part of the students lives. In relating this math lesson to real life I will have the students come up with who they think top 10 artists are right now.

  Identify basic needs for plants and animals?
What are the essential need for plants and animals to survive?
Using critical thinking skills allow the students to come up with the things plants an d animals need to survive.
Social Studies-
Understanding where we live, what we represent and why

                                Explain the benefits of six major nutrients in food
Explore the six nutrients are bodies need and how they benefit us on a daily basis

                 Identify upper and lower case letters
Repetitiously outlining the letters of the alphabet with a fun activity
Below is a link to access the actual Lesson Plans I have conducted utilizing the ideas listed above.

I enjoyed creating my own lesson plans through wiki spaces. This assignment will contribute to the overall effectiveness I will have on my students in the future. It allowed me to be creative and utilize my natural skills. I hope you enjoy my ideas.

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